
August 27, 2008 at 9:08 pm (Uncategorized)

Does this date remind you of something?

I am sure the asnwer is No but for me it does remind me of a major difference in my life!! Can you guess what is it!!? Nah, you won’t guess ;D


I am turning 26 in minutes. Can you believe that!! Gosh, I feel I am still in high school sitting in the 1st chair in the 1st row AS USUAL since I am a bookworm ;D

Look what I found in this amazing site www.dayofbirth.co.uk about my birthday ;D

What day were you born on?

Results for 28th August 1982* :

  • You were born on a Saturday.
  • Your star sign is Virgo.
  • Your birthstone is Peridot.
  • The season was Summer.
  • You were born in the Chinese year of the Dog.
  • The US President was Ronald Reagan (Republican).
  • The UK Prime Minister was Margaret Thatcher (Conservative).
  • You are 25 years 11 months 30 days old.
  • It is 1 day until your next birthday.
  • In dog years you are 3 years old.
  • You are 9,496 days old.
  • You are approximately 227,927 hours old.
  • You are approximately 820,537,532 seconds old.

To those who think I am getting older, seeeeeeeeeeeeee I am 3 years old only lol


I have never ever imagined myself to be me right now!! A very successful woman thanks God with many friends around. A university teacher who inspires lots of students and is called a friend more than a teacher!!

I started my career even before my graduation because the head of the department of my college recommended me.

OMG!! I feel it was yesterday I swear!! I remember stopping by my previous work which was one of the most famous schools in the Eastern Province and going for an interview with an American lady called Anna Marie. A person who has been inspiring me and making me who I am now with her great assistance.

She really loved me for I left a great impression as she said. She also asked which classes I prefer and I answered saying “KIDS,”!! I didn’t know that kids meant 4 years old students!!

I was afraid for how can I deal with them and how can I convince thier parents that I will take care of them!! The 1st day came and I found myself indulged with them playing and running and SINGING!! ME SINGING YES!!! And I had an adorable voice as they always said lol

Dealing with kids for almost three years has changed my world drastically!! Who can ever refuse free hugs and kisses everyday when they arrive and before they leave!! Lots of passion, warmth and many many wonderful feelings!!

I can never ever forget that day when Kareem called me Mama!! I can’t deny that I shed afew tears. I was touched!! His mom came the other day telling me that he calls me Mama even at home because he says I tell stories wonderfully like his mom!! I hugged him so tight and felt love surrounding me!!

Teaching kids was a job that I will never ever regret in my life because it made me a mom even if I am still single. However, that happiness wasn’t that long because I resigned later!!

Work was really killing me slowly especially with our new manager who was merely a donkey!!

My current job called me telling me they want me. Everybody advised me to go and here I am completing my 2nd year in September!!

I thought that I will be teaching teenaged girls or something like that but I was shcoked!! Our uni accpets students from ANY AGE!! I had a grandma once and many many mothers with 3-6 kids!! It was challenging for me but I am doing great with them as they always say. I promised myself not to be that stupid, tough, rusty type of teaches who taught me in college!!

Though, I was always a top student but there was that obstacle my teachers built between them and us. That’s why I have decided to become a friend before becoming a teacher ad thanks God I am successful in doing it!!

I have no clue why I drifted away talking about my jobs instead of my birthday lol but I guess I am showing gratitude indirectly!!

Back into my birthday. Yes, I am one year older but I am happy and telling my age is not a problem for me at all. I am still young and moreover, people still think I am 18 because of my babyface lol

I don’t care about parties and celebrations but remebering it with a gift is a nice touch. Don’t tell me you don’t agree ;D

P.S It passed 12 already and so goodbye 25 and welcome my new year. I had a terrible time at the end of my last year. God, please make it a happy year, let me fulfil my dreams and make my wishes come true.


See ya later

His Sweetheart becoming 26 loooooool

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